Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just a Ghost.

After a long ride home. i re-watched Ghost World which i had originally seen in the theaters some years ago. The movie brings the same feelings of hopeless lost feelings i had the first time i saw it. Perhaps i need to read the graphic novel to fully understand the characters, their journey etc. Tonight i feel partially like i dislike all the characters in the movie with their selfish, superior attitudes to all things not 'different' and partially like i relate to their indifference.
The movie seems to be much more about Enid. Having never read the book I wonder what about Rebecca I am missing.

left feeling a little empty and wondering what the future will bring.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Starting a Blog...

Ok, I started a Blog... not sure what it is going to be about, or if anyone will read it but.. it is officially started.